Update: Maryland is no longer accepting applications for the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund and the Grant Fund. A second round of federal money is now available for the SBA's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL). Options for emergency relief are still available depending on your situation.
Introducing the…
BEST Action Plan to Turnaround & Grow!
This is a defining moment for many business owners. Some are choosing to wave a white flag and close their doors amid the pandemic. Others are re-creating their businesses in spite of it all.
At Breakthrough Pros, we are working with a variety of clients right now to re-position their products and services online … re-focus their services to reach more people stuck at home … re-tool purchase options so more people place orders today and pay later … re-design their marketing as they shift towards lead generation … and re-build their brands on social media with relevant content their customers and prospects need most right now.
To help more business owners, we are introducing our Breakthrough Emergency Survive & Thrive (BEST) Action Plan.
Based on our experience in which we also had to make dramatic shifts during 9/11 and the Great Recession, we are offering more entrepreneurs the opportunity Turnaround & Grow. We are offering 3 Options:
Option #1 Survive: Emergency Relief Assistance – A dizzying number of government-funded bailout programs have been unveiled for businesses impacted by the massive shutdown to the economy. Like your CPA helps you prepare your taxes, we will help you apply for disaster assistance relief as you seek to get the most payout possible to survive & recover your losses.
Option #2 Thrive: Re-brand & Grow – For many businesses, a crisis is also a time to seize unique opportunities to make a difference in the lives of your market when they need you the most. At Breakthrough Pros, we are working with business owner to re-brand and re-grow their business so they can thrive.
Option #3: Our BEST option -- Breakthrough Emergency Survive & Thrive – Take advantage of both options. Apply for the emergency relief you need AND re-brand and re-grow to make a difference in your market.
Schedule your FREE Breakthrough Quick-Start Consultation Today. Email: Dennis@BreakthroughPros.com
Increased cash flow, more confidence with the right branding
